Thursday, September 12, 2019

Academic Shoot Preview

2018 Winners

The story

I think that this photo describes the best story because I can feel the excitement in the picture. I can also imagine the end of the football play like it was shot a video.


I think that photo describes the most action and emotion because you can see all the boys effort being put into his huddle over the bar.


I think this is the most interesting picture because I'm just wondering why he is so mad. I also wonder if its not anger making him scream but rather accomplishment.

2012 Winners

I picked this as one of my favorite pictures because I love long-boarding so much, and I relate to this picture so much. I understand the absolute grind of gnar when you just long home with your homies from school. This photo also describes the completion element, balance, because the two figures are holding similar size objects on different sides of the picture.
I also picked this picture as one of my favorites because I love the saying "you mad bro", it is just a normal question but people get so mad at it. This photo also describes the composition element, avoiding mergers, because the frame of the photo cats the person on the left in half vertically. 

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