Friday, January 10, 2020

Phobia Project

1. A phobia is having an extreme fear of something.

2. Apiphobia  is the fear of bees.
    Automysophobia is the fear of being dirty.
    Hypsiphobia is the fear of height.
    Russophobia is the fear of Russians.
    Verminophobia is the fear of germs.

As a possible photo shoot for Phobias I was thinking Zoophobia, the fear of animals, because it is something I can easily do. I have multiple dogs and brothers in my house to use as props.  I would shoot it Horizontal to make sure I can get my dog in it. I would take the photo behind the dog looking at my frighten brother who is infant of the dog.The lighting in the scene would be dimmed to cause a dramatic mood. My little brother would be wearing grade school cloths on to make him look younger.

As another possible photo shoot I would do Hypsiphobia, the fear of heights, because I feel like I can compose an image that represents this fear well. I would do this on a building downtown with one of my friends most likely during the day because of exposure, but doing it at night may contribute more to the mood. I want my subject to my friends emotions to being that high up.

Another phobia I am going to use for this project is Traumatophobia, the fear of injury. I was thinking I could have one of my friends do the motion of a high five and my other friend flinching showing he is scared of being hit. I was think of doing this outside during the day to show the mood. of the high five.

I would like to use the rule of thirds, lines, symmetry in this project.

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