Thursday, October 31, 2019

Funny Captions
Caption: Grandma Jane posted at Port A, experiencing her first beach visit. Grandma Jane has never left her hometown Dripping Springs before.

 Caption: Grandma Jane hit 100 years and 100 doobies on Oct. 30th, 2008. Grandma Jane is 111 now and is still sparking up.

Artist Lisa Lichtenfels. Amazing - she looks real...(don't know if this is a miniature...) Grandma Jane doesn't need shooters, she is the shooter. Grandma Jane was convicted of four felony gun charges going into her 103 year on planet earth.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Composition ll

Symmetry and Patterns

Symmetry and patterns are great for creating eye catching compositions in situations where they are not expected. Breaking the symmetry of pattern in some way allows you to introduce tension or a focal point in your picture.


Viewpoint is the positioning the photo is captured from. Viewpoint can greatly affect the theme of a photo. First person, Birds eye, Below the subject, etc.

Create Depth

Depth is created by adding objects in the fore ground, middle ground or background.
Overlapping objects with one another can also help to create depth.


Cropping allows you to get rid of excess background "noice", allowing the viewer to only focus on the subject.

1. Rule of thirds
Image result for food photo rule of thirds

2. Balancing Elements
Image result for food photo balancing elements
3. Leading Lines
Image result for food photo leading lines
4. Symmetry and Patterns (repetition)
Image result for food photo symmetry
5. Viewpoint
Image result for food photo view point
6. Background
Image result for food photo background composition
7. Create depth
Image result for food creating depth
8. Framing
Image result for food framing
9. Cropping
Image result for food